It indeed true that Africa social norm are similar yet different so I will compare one of the well-known countries in the west and south of Africa. I have experienced first hand the socialization of Nigeria, therefore I will thus compare its ethnic, cultures, morals, and people to that of South Africa to show the little versatility in their socialization.
Yes I said cultures because there are over 250 ethnicities in Nigeria but all can be grouped into three culture Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa. You will find some Yoruba and all Igbo to be Christians while other Yoruba and Most Hausa are Muslims South Africa's ethnicities comprise of the Khoi-San, Xhosa, Zulu, Ndebele, Sotho, Shangaan and Venda. Unlike Nigeria who religiously and culturally categorize its people, South Africa racially categorizes its people racially into White, Black African, Indians, and colored. Like most African countries, both were colonized by the British.
You're probably thinking Blah, blah, blah boring, but this historical fact has all to do with the development of their socialization.
Both nations perform a fantastic job embracing outsiders but show intolerance towards each other. Nigeria has an ongoing history of heinous acts, bombings, machete attacks and burnings, performed by extreme Muslims who wish to be segregated from their Christian associates. South Africa, on the other hand is a nation with an incessant increase in crime rate whether it be home robbery, hijacking, or rape. These countries are similarly “a nation that is at war with itself.” Durkheim would analyze this as the unlimited desire of members of a society and a deviancy from what society dims as proper, thus explaining the cause of the present negative deviant behaviors.
There governments have undergone a lot a of structural change from tribalism to republicanism, mimicking the government structure of the British, from who they had received their independence. Yet corruption has hinder the expansion of both their economy and political government. Known infamously in Nigeria as 4-1-9, fraud is rampant in both countries. This create the necessity for business owners to be cautious with how their business is handled. Bribery and corruption has increased the injustice in the government, for instance, a parent can pay of the judge for his child’s deviant behavior. Another example is government officials rigging elections. The presence of these unethical behaviors has lead to an unstable society, where poverty and crimes are abundant.
With the interaction of culture, in Nigeria the archetypal struggle is religious based, while in South Africa, it more racially based. The people of South Africa were plagued with decades and decades of segregation and have come a long way integrating. However, cultures mingle with each other with many diverse group living together in cities. These countries have also socialized with things abroad, such as having Mc Donald stores, overseas fashion, and gadgets. Both countries are festive. Whether it be displaying fervor for football ( American named soccer) in which they would gather as a family in a house, store, or stadium, or celebrating anniversaries and events, they did these not minding the race or religion. They cherish their culture, beautifying themselves in their native colorful attires and accessories.
In both African countries, education is valued greatly. Parents and their children see education has the open door out of their futile living status that the students are motivated to perform well in school. The parents spend their entire income on school fee to meet the deadline payments.
Africa and South Africa have come along way in their socialization. Though collectively the people are faced with unsatisfactory situation, they are still one of the most charitable individual you’ll ever meet.