I don't quite understand why a number of girls who get pregnant as teens in today's society, take so much pride in it. Maybe it because of the society or the family or they are trying to make the best out of their present situation. When I see them I feel a growing passion of anger flowing through my vein, but with a tint of sympathy.
Teen pregnancy is a dominant latent issue in our society and lately has been increasing.In Teen pregnancy, different factors play a role. A teen girl can willing have sex to get pregnant, willing have sex but mistaking find herself pregnant, or might be a victim of rape. Whatever the case might be, being a teen mom is a complex responsibility. As a visionary and an ambitious student -not to say pregnant teens aren't- I view teen pregnancy as having an 80% disadvantage in life. This includes the demanding time, expenses, and shortened dream.
It is true that the stress of an adult parent(s), caring for a new born is profound; if compared to a teenager the stress level might double, since she is a child herself. What ever argument anyone makes to disregard school and it's assignments, there's always the sleepless nights, crying baby, and unhealthy living. The expense of caring for a new born: paying for check-ups at the doctors, baby food, clothes, and baby essentials is significant. It's ridiculous how much you can spend on a mere eight pound baby. Calculate it!
I feel like there is nothing worse than a shortened dream. These young girls who had pictured themselves as fashion designers, lawyers, doctors, teachers, or what ever they desire will have to sacrifice their dreams to nurture another's dream, knowing their's might never be achieved. The consequences of Teen pregnancy becomes a snow ball effect. The mother has to get a job, two jobs probably, to nurture and provide her baby. This may lead her to drop out of school because her struggles are overwhelming her. By her dropping out of school she is unable to get a good jobs and have a career. Some of this kids growing without a father pick up deleterious behavior that negatively affect our society and the circle begins all over again.
I understand that there are exceptions. This are the 20% individuals who have supportive families and are financially stable. It includes teen girls that give their baby up for adoption and teens that have babies who become great educators, talented athletes, and successful professionals.Just making a show such as "16 and Pregnant" and "Teen Moms" doesn't stop the increasing rate but rather negatively contributes to it because more and more girls saw it as a method of becoming famous. Educating teens that they will at some point start taking responsibility of their actions is one of the best way to do it. I write this not to create a solution, but rather to draw awareness to part of our community that is in great need of scrutiny.